Thursday, December 30, 2004

I have been thinking about changing my skin coz' my friend thinks my blog is really dull and about a thousand people have the same background as I do. Apart from being lazy and not having enough time, I think I'll just stick to the KISS principle. I.e. Keep It Simple Stupid! (Directed at me) Perhaps another time.

After having slept my entire Wednesday away, I was so ready to make my Thursday so fulfilling that it would totally make up for my Wednesday. Not only was I wrong, I was in for a surprise. Not really a surprise lah actually, but a disappointment more like it.

First was lunch with camp buddies. Ok, I guess that went well. Then it was tennis. Tennis. The first fifteen minutes was close to perfect. Cloudy skies, soft breeze, rain clouds threatening but we were certain that it would blow away. Then it started to pour. NM, coz' we waited for it to stop. It did! So we took out the rollers and started to dry the court out. Dry, dry, dry for like twenty minutes already then we started to play more tennis. Ten minutes more of tennis, that is. Then it started to f***ing pour again! So all our efforts gone. Gingerly, we left the court. Dismayed and not to mention absolutely wet, we took our stuff and left the flooded court. Leaving behind our hopes of having a good game on a wonderful Thursday afternoon. The only saving grace was when we went to our friend's place and she served us cookies, ice-cream, drinks and two puny Shih Tzus to play with, not to eat of course coz’ they really stink. Really, the whole house smelt of them and one of them ever tried to masturbate on my hand.

The rest of day was pretty much history and absolutely boring.

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you."
Isiah 43:2