Tuesday, December 27, 2005

This was taken during lunch at Yong Kei, this famous duck restaurant in Hong Kong. That's my lovely niece, Lauren, staring at me in the picture. My family and I wanted to go there to celebrate the life of a man whom we all hold great veneration and approbation for. This man, my dear second uncle, went to the Lord not too long ago after achieving in a lifetime what some more ordinary people would have taken two lifetimes to achieve. He was a compassionate and dynamic man who left a lasting impression on everyone he met with the boundless amount of energy he possessed. I already knew how accomplished he was but the eulogies that were presented at the well attended procession further solidified the admiration I had for him. His thirst for new knowledge, better solutions and excellence in everything he did was repeatedly mentioned throughout. I believe that he is in a better place now, in the good hands of the Lord.
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