Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I think they way we sometimes speak childishly in an attempt to try to bring our level of language down to the same level as the kids may actually do more harm than good. I believe this act of accommodating their needs will inherently stifle the development of the kids' command of the language in which we would have otherwise accelerated if we had spoken to them as if they are adults. When I have kids next time, I will speak to them in simple but proper English.
Kids can be so much joy. Nevertheless, when you have one that can continue crying throughout the entire flight from Hong Kong all the way back to Singapore, you tend to think twice about having kids. If your eardrums don’t go, your mind probably will. I respect that kid's parents.

So the gals made sure the kids got their fun with some beach rugby though most of the time it was actually spent playing "dog and bone" because of its simplicity. Well, at least the main purpose of the whole fair was fulfilled; the kids had fun. It was heartwarming just watching how the gals handled (or should I say manhandled) the kids. The precociousness of the kids didn�t fail to impress me. This was taken at this year's Nickelodeon Fair where they provided ample fun and games for a good family day out.