Tuesday, November 06, 2007

And here's Vincent going for a huge serve....

Charlie's Angels...hey wait, who's that on the left??

The dazzling display of laser lightings were so strong that it made this look like some scene from a horror movie. And we were actually 200m away from the stage....

Clockwise from left: Lewis, Jeremy, Jonathan, Mei, Eliza, yours truly, Steffa.

This was taken in much cleaner but not necessarily happier times when the party was just beginning to take form at about 630pm....

Melaka - Global Gathering @ Afarmosa - i.e. Mud Bath.

Of all days it had to rain the day before we hit the party at the Arena. And since we had already driven up 4 hours (takes longer in the night when you have 4 cars tailing each other) to our villa on Friday, there was really no turning back now. The ground was still reasonably firm when we arrived at about 6pm, but after thousands and thousands of people’s perpetual ambling over the moistened mud it just got worse as we progressively partied into the night; to the point in which we gave up walking in our slippers and danced barefooted all night. Trust me when I say that the mud our feet were in was nothing like the one you see in Spas. I even told Eliza, “Either my feet is going to have really good complexion after this or it is just going to rot.”

Let the Bloggings Begin...

After an inordinate amount of time spent away from my beloved blog due to work (stress), relationship (issues), family (commitments) and social (partying) life, I finally made the decision to publish a post. Blame the spare time created during my leave or the desire to diarize all my life’s moments. But I thought it would be good to make some use of all those pictures stored in my computer. Besides, I found it rather nostalgic reading all my past posts and maybe, I’ll show them to my kids when I grow old!