Thursday, December 30, 2004
I have been thinking about changing my skin coz' my friend thinks my blog is really dull and about a thousand people have the same background as I do. Apart from being lazy and not having enough time, I think I'll just stick to the KISS principle. I.e. Keep It Simple Stupid! (Directed at me) Perhaps another time.
After having slept my entire Wednesday away, I was so ready to make my Thursday so fulfilling that it would totally make up for my Wednesday. Not only was I wrong, I was in for a surprise. Not really a surprise lah actually, but a disappointment more like it.
First was lunch with camp buddies. Ok, I guess that went well. Then it was tennis. Tennis. The first fifteen minutes was close to perfect. Cloudy skies, soft breeze, rain clouds threatening but we were certain that it would blow away. Then it started to pour. NM, coz' we waited for it to stop. It did! So we took out the rollers and started to dry the court out. Dry, dry, dry for like twenty minutes already then we started to play more tennis. Ten minutes more of tennis, that is. Then it started to f***ing pour again! So all our efforts gone. Gingerly, we left the court. Dismayed and not to mention absolutely wet, we took our stuff and left the flooded court. Leaving behind our hopes of having a good game on a wonderful Thursday afternoon. The only saving grace was when we went to our friend's place and she served us cookies, ice-cream, drinks and two puny Shih Tzus to play with, not to eat of course coz’ they really stink. Really, the whole house smelt of them and one of them ever tried to masturbate on my hand.
The rest of day was pretty much history and absolutely boring.
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you."
Isiah 43:2
After having slept my entire Wednesday away, I was so ready to make my Thursday so fulfilling that it would totally make up for my Wednesday. Not only was I wrong, I was in for a surprise. Not really a surprise lah actually, but a disappointment more like it.
First was lunch with camp buddies. Ok, I guess that went well. Then it was tennis. Tennis. The first fifteen minutes was close to perfect. Cloudy skies, soft breeze, rain clouds threatening but we were certain that it would blow away. Then it started to pour. NM, coz' we waited for it to stop. It did! So we took out the rollers and started to dry the court out. Dry, dry, dry for like twenty minutes already then we started to play more tennis. Ten minutes more of tennis, that is. Then it started to f***ing pour again! So all our efforts gone. Gingerly, we left the court. Dismayed and not to mention absolutely wet, we took our stuff and left the flooded court. Leaving behind our hopes of having a good game on a wonderful Thursday afternoon. The only saving grace was when we went to our friend's place and she served us cookies, ice-cream, drinks and two puny Shih Tzus to play with, not to eat of course coz’ they really stink. Really, the whole house smelt of them and one of them ever tried to masturbate on my hand.
The rest of day was pretty much history and absolutely boring.
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you."
Isiah 43:2
Absolutely Poisoned by Nasi Lemak
It was pain so excruciating and agonizing that I never thought such intensity of suffering actually existed. Ok, I'm exaggerating. But it sure took the life outta me. For the whole of yesterday I was sleeping because I needed to recuperate and rejuvenate after the bout of tummy aches sucked every bit of living energy outta my lifeless body yesterday morning. Just so you people won't say I didn't warn you, I was having supper at Chomp Pang (if that's how you spell it) Nasi Lemak somewhere in Yishun before I started having hallucinations about someone stabbing me in the stomach.
Was reading a book and I thought this quotation might be of some interest to you.
"What experience and history teach us is this - that people and governments have never learnt anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it."
Who said we're the most intelligent creatures again?
Wednesday, December 29, 2004

After experiencing that unforgettable food poisoning incident, I really wonder if it was a bad thing that we "forgot" about our agreement to eat those fried grasshoppers on our last day in Bangkok. Introducing the "Bangkok Band of Travellers". After this picture was taken, all 7 (yes, 7) of us cramped up into a "TootToot" and went back to our hotel. Even sardines you pack nicely.

I guess it happened for a reason.
My heart goes out to all those who have suffered and died in the recent Asian tragedy. Things like this make me realize how fortunate we are in Singapore. Had the earthquake occurred anywhere closer east, we wouldn’t have the islands of Sumatra to save us. I’m glad God put us here and I just pray that he takes care of those in need now.
It was nostalgic just reminiscing the good old days of poly with my old classmates today over Nasi Lemak at Yishun. We were talking about the scandals between our schoolmates and I never knew so many existed! To think I used to think that I am well-informed in school… Gossiping about our teachers was fun only because we don’t have to tolerate them any longer. We’ll be visiting our alma mater come Thursday to check out how much has changed! Do you think they’ll have a welcoming party for us?
"But God shows his great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we still sinners."
Romans 5:8
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Post Christmas Syndrome
Just came back from a chalet. I can't even recall the last time I visited Downtown East at Pasir Ris, previously known as NTUC chalets. I like the revamp and the management have indeed reinvented the theme and reinstated a lot of new perks to bring the crowds in. Looks like I'll be visiting them again soon.
Met my long-lost and very distant relative/friend Grace who just came back from Australia. Having migrated there for the past 4 years, we had a lot to catch up. My mum asked me if she still looks as pretty as ever, I said yes. But when she asked me if she's still as short as ever, I bashfully said yes too. Well, the charm remains and it was sure good to see her, the twins and her mother, Aunty Nancy, again. She somehow found out I was in the Air Force and started to get all excited and hungry for the details. I guess we'll always have that one thing in common - our curiosity.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Boxing Day
Quite a fulfilling day I've had I must say. Befitting of a festivity.
The play at Lighthouse Woodlands was not as good as the one I watched last year. Maybe because my parents came along and the fact that my parents were coming to church with me for the first time made it all the more exciting. Nonetheless, both plays had a lot of meaning and humour. Furthermore, the cast had two members from the last play and most of the directing crew were the same. Some of my friends mentioned that the previous director did a better job coz' there was more dialogue. On the contrary, I think that the meaning put across to the audience is more important than the amount of dialogue included in the play. We should be better off discussing about the moral of the play itself rather than its dialogue.
Dinner at Kenny Rogers was good and as usual, I was feeling full halfway through. I think it's because I have to much gastric wind inside my stomache that I feel full/bloated very quickly. Could be because of the abdominal muscles too. Met some new friends and I think they are good company.
My first jazz concert went by the name "Jazz Christmas". I didnt know that Cheaulyn's friend, Jeremy Monteiro, was performing until I entered the theatre. In terms of the music, the drums gave rhythm, the cello gave body, the piano gave character, the sax gave soul and the vocals gave live. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was trying to restrain mysef from saying that Brenda looks like Carmen Bradford until Amanda blurted it out. Check with Brenda for the details.