Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Do women have a distinct nature?

Forgive me for I haven’t been able to find proper time to fill in any readable contents because I have been rather busy with homework. But I thought that if I wrote so much for philosophy and nothing here then it would be being unfair to Blog (shit, that is so gay). So due to my perpetual laziness, I will just pick an excerpt from my project and place it here so it won’t be wasted. As a result, I have chosen a part in which some of us may be interested to have a read.

“…..some traits that women lacked of men were exposed as pseudo-scientific rationalizations of cultural prejudices. Every individual is different from each other in an assortment of ways. There are indeed certain traits more present in each sex such as men being more prepared for aggressiveness and women having a greater need to be close to people. However, empiricist bias makes it very difficult to determine a relationships for these discovery because there will always be the occurrence of exceptions. There are specific and variable human behavioral traits which are clearly under genetic control but there are also cases in which societal norms have caused changes in natures even if they have no biological effects. In fact, differing forms of human labor in the society in which the individual indulges and involves his or herself in specifies our point. Different type of labor causes the physical and mental capacities of human beings to change. There will always be some transhistorical features of human beings but there will also be some psychophysical structures of people who do very different types of labor and modes of production. Nature is not fixed and it is inevitable in some cases but natures can surely change. The crucial determinants are social, not biological. In a nutshell, this will simply say that neither man nor woman will each have the same distinct nature due to gender although there will always be several innate and similar psychic structures distinctive of the sexes which generate a particular cluster of traits…..”

Just wondering but…if green were so good for our eyes, why don’t they print newspapers with green ink?